3 Ways To Become A Wise Husband

I know lot’s of things. I know that donuts are not good for me at all, but I eat them regardless. I know that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can produce ulcers or worse, yet I still drink it. I know that the Bible commands me to love my wife like Christ, giving myself […]

She’s Not An Object. She’s A Person!

The Devil hates women. He always has. Because of this animosity, It has become his mission in this world to destroy every good and beautiful thing about women God has created. He does this in many ways, and one of those ways is by stealing the very humanity God breathed into them. Objectifying women is […]

Why Marriage Can’t Be 50-50 And Has To Be 100-100

If a couple gets a divorce and neither of the parties had a prenuptial agreement then every asset that couples has is added up and then divided in half. I understand that it is often more complicated than this but the reason I am bringing this up is to discuss the idea that we each […]

An Urgent Reminder For Husbands

There is a spiritual battle raging all around us. As Christian men and husbands, we would be fools to forget this fact as I believe many of us have done. I know I have. This is a battle for our minds, marriages, and ultimately our effectiveness for the gospel of Jesus Christ. We need to […]

My Wife Is Gone And Now I’m Lonely

I can’t remember a time in my life when I have been this lonely. I’m sure there have been moments but none I can recall. I am a person that thrives around other people. Community fuels my heart and re energizes me. My definition of a great time is being surrounded with my wife and […]