Is Your Love Unreasonable?

Throughout time, humans have elevated reason – our ability to rationalize and make judgement calls regarding good and bad decisions. In Aristotle’s Ethics he describes human beings as rational animals and identifies reason as a uniquely human characteristic. Our ability to justify and rationalize our decision-making is God-given. But dependence upon reason can also get in the […]

I Stopped Saying “I’m Sorry” To My Wife, And You Should Too

Communication is an essential part of any successful relationship and marriage is no exception. Normally, I tend to recognize communication elements that I need to add to how I communicate with my wife. But sometimes, it’s just as important to recognize a bad habit and stop doing it. In this case, I have made a conscious […]

100 Ways To Love Your Wife

Being spontaneous is great . . . Hey Babe, let’s go grab a bite to eat at . . . . .  Let’s jump in the car and visit . . . . .  How about we . . ? But the planned, thoughtful evening out where all the details are handled, so all she […]

102 Words of Affirmation Every Wife Wants to Hear

A while back I was speaking and asked for a show of hands, “How many of the wives have had too much affirmation over the past month?” Laughter broke out across the room. No, haven’t had too much of that. If Lisa is any indication, women often have the feeling that life is coming at […]