Prayer: Bring Wisdom And Help

Dear Lord, Thank you for always being in control. Thank you that you are completely trustworthy. We know that we can put our faith in you when it comes to every aspect of our lives. Even though we know this, there are still times that we get scared and do not know what to do. So […]

Prayer: Putting Her Needs Before Mine

Dear Lord, Forgive me for my selfishness and my attitude. I am sorry that I often put my needs before my brides when you have clearly given me a very powerful example of how you layed down your life for ours. I will do better. I will seek to put my wife’s needs before my […]

Prayer: Turn Our Focus On God

Dear Lord, I pray for husbands who are spending so much stress and anxiety focusing on the things of this world. I Pray for husbands whi have hurt their wife and so often focus on themselves. Turn their focus toward you, Lord. Make their eyes look to you more than anything else. Make them men […]

Prayer: Prepare Us For What Is To Come

Dear Lord, Thank you. You are so good and your mercies endure forever. I know that you are leading my wife and me in the way you would have us go. I know that you promised to never leave us or forsake us. Please prepare us for what you have for us in the near future. […]

Prayer: Help Me To Know You Better

Dear Lord, Thank you for the salvation you have freely given to me! Thank you for your grace and mercy. Thank you for your patience and kindness. God, your constant love, and affection for me make me want to know you more. But, sometimes I feel so distant and disconnected from you and I know […]